Living The Dream: Real Love

One night I confessed to a (guy) friend how if I had the chance, I would tell the boy turned man I fell in love with way back when that I was still very much in love with him. I would do all that I could to make sure that it was always good, even in the bad. At that time, I was hurting from a recent heart break, and all the previous heartbreaks.

I can't tell you what made me tell my heart's secrets, but I did and I'm glad I did.  Sometime after I disclosed my heart's secret, I got that chance I had longed for - my love came back and I knew it was my chance. God had blessed me with that chance. My love called me at work one day, and it was in those first seconds that my life changed (once again) forever. It was a voice I longed to hear that matched a man that I had not laid eyes on in three and half years. When he said my name that day on the phone, it took my breath away. It was HIM.

When I told my friend the good news, he reminded me of that conversation we'd had...he told me the exact words I had spoken, and he told me that he could see that I still loved this man, as I talked about this man. For him to tell me that he saw and heard my love for this man as I spoke, I could only wonder why was he able to get it when no one else could. It's okay, because I am living the dream. Like I said, that phone call changed my life forever, because everyday for the last 7 months I have been able to share my love with this man - to pour it on him and he has returned the same. For the last 3 weeks, I've been his WIFE and he is my HUSBAND, and we are in love. I get to wake up to his smile and fall asleep to the same. We have REAL LOVE - it stands the tests of time, the TRIALS that have led to the TRIUMPHS. I am most certainly thankful. I love him more than I have ever loved another, and I have never stopped loving him despite the time we never saw or spoke to each other. I left searching for him and he had already been there, but that's okay too, because we have grown and matured. I would not change him, our lives, or stories for any others...we've got something real.

Mrs. Brandy E. McCreary


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