Things Fall Apart: Dreams

What is a dream? How does one achieve a dream? When dreams are denied where do they go? When dreams are achieved, does dreaming stop? To live out a dream is most rewarding, but it is not without its hardships. Really, hardships make dreams worth having and fighting for. The fight remains even after one is within their dream - living. It gets tougher, especially when you are doing right. William Butler Yeats said "Things fall apart - the centre cannot hold". My center holds. I know this because I have lived in an ongoing gyre, and I am here to tell it. My story. My fight - my struggle has been victorious because it hasn't been me alone. I have Help. God. Over the last several weeks, lies have been told, and things have been done that has made me ultimately question my dreams. It seems as though I have been set up to fail, but I feel and believe I am not. The situation itself is tough, and I have entered into a failing environment. I AM NOT A FAILURE. Prior to these things I began to learn from Nehemiah what it means to do good work, to do what the Lord asks, and to be tried without fail to make one stop that work. I will not stop. Yes, I am different. I am creative and innovative in ways to do what I do. I have never fit into any ready-made mold, and I never will. My personality, my life, my spirit do not fit in these pre-cut molds - they were made to fit into individuality. They dance to their own glorious tunes, and do the same work but with different delivery. I know that staying steadfast and fully trusting God will keep me on the battlefield, but He will see me through.

I read in a church's sign, "If God brought you to it, He will take (see) you through it."

So, Yeats said "the center cannot hold", but God said "it's not so, til I say it is". Even though it seems like everything is coming at me to stop and hurt me, I am going to march on, because that is all I know. I do not know quitting. I do not encourage, nor condone it. Living and dreaming are worth it.

-Simply B


  1. Sis, stay steadfast and in longsuffering God will ensure us with His strength to press on and live our dreams :-)


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