Truly Blessed

For the past few months, I have been going through some things that have really tested me - pulling me in every direction to the point of wanting to give up. I wanted to throw in the towel a few times, however I kept the faith. I persevered, prayed, praised, and prepared.

HOW? It was all by GOD.

I do not care much for dwelling on the past, but I do look back just to see how far I have come. This time last year, I had come to a crossroad and finally accepted I had messed up and was in a mess of a relationship. I was making plans to do great things, and I had decided that I would keep going even alone. Fast foward to March 2012, when things started to really fall apart. I had people and things going up against me, but they did not know Who had my back. He has backed me up since way back when. They did not know my Savior - my God - the One and Only. They did not know Who or Whose I was - I am a child of God. I got something in the mail yesterday, and got the call I KNEW I was going to get today. Proof that when man say "no", God say "yes". When man try to put you down, try to make you suffer, and try to take your life away. God sits up, looks low, and says "hold on just a lil while longer and see what I'm going to do".

I can smile big, and shout real loud "YYYYESSSSSSS". My God is a Mighty God, and I thank Him for it all. Last Sunday, we went to church and He showed  up and showed out. It was confirmation.

Truly Blessed,
B. McCreary


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